Clear Message:
Brand Development and Online Marketing for the RAL Quality Mark
A Strong Brand Identity for Efficient Positioning on the B2C Market
The RAL Gütegemeinschaft Fenster, Fassaden und Haustüren e.V. guarantees special product and service quality for windows, doors and façades with its quality mark. It unites the major manufacturers in the industry in this claim.
Blackbit created a new brand image for the quality association, developed the claim "Brand of trust" and explained in cleverly targeted online marketing campaigns why the RAL quality mark for windows, façades and front doors promises unsurpassed quality.
Read how the RAL quality mark for windows, façades and front doors is perceived on the market, gains recognition and establishes itself sustainably as a consumer brand. Among other things through:
- A generally understandable and clear performance:
The strong brand identity and a description of its performance that is as concise as it is understandable make the RAL Quality Mark a relevant factor for end consumers. -
Search engine campaigns for high visibility on the end consumer market:Customers learn about the RAL Quality Mark and its significance for the quality of products and services.
- Visibility on Google, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest:
Thanks to continuous monitoring, analyses and data-based optimizations, ad campaigns achieve continuously increasing impression and click figures. - Brand-relevant long-term effects:
Equipped with a high-profile corporate identity, the RAL Gütegemeinschaft is in a sustainable position to successfully market itself, increase its own awareness and successfully address end customers once the project is completed.
The Digital Marketing Tribe of Blackbit digital Commerce GmbH wishes you an enjoyable read.