With the digitalisation of socially and economically relevant structures, the IT of organisations and companies of all sizes has become critical infrastructure. In day-to-day data management, it is therefore not only security that is in demand - the reliability of systems is also more important than ever before.
Kubernetes, the open source system for deploying, scaling and managing containerised applications, was already introduced in the first blog post in our series on Blackbit's new hosting service. Thanks to its containerised architecture, the open source platform can guarantee a new level of security that traditional root server solutions cannot provide. However, developed by Joe Beda, Brendan Burns and Craig McLuckie at Google in 2014, Kubernetes was originally created primarily to run large workloads with maximum reliability.
Whether in product information management (PIM), master data management (MDM), on customer data platforms (CDP) or in the day-to-day business of digital commerce platforms - the reliable operation of any system is crucial to real revenue. The costs incurred per hour of downtime vary depending on the size of the company.
The total cost of a system failure is made up of lost sales and productivity. However, the calculation must also include working hours during the disruption and the costs of restoring operations. In addition, there are also claims from third parties, such as contractual penalties and liability claims.
Kubernetes counters this risk situation, which can hit small and medium-sized companies particularly hard, with a particularly high degree of reliability in operation.
Kubernetes can ensure the highly stable and reliable operation of sometimes highly complex infrastructures at all times, as its special infrastructure based on nodes and containers offers decisive advantages over classic root servers.
Blackbit combines the new Kubernetes technology with the GitOps principle: the entire system is described declaratively in configuration files. All operating parameters are defined in this state repository and stored as code that can be called up at any time. On this basis, the entire system can be restored immediately and at any time in the event of external attacks or internal crashes.
The decoupling of development and deployment in GitOps also leads to shortened processes in development, which can mean an enormous increase in efficiency - more on this in the next blog post.
Stable operation, secure hosting, time-saving development and smooth deployment - benefit now from the structural advantages that Kubernetes offers. Contact our sales team directly if you would like to find out more about what switching to Kubernetes can mean for you and your company.