At the end of January, the Social Media Focus Group of the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. elected its new board. The new chairman is Stefan Stojanow from Facebook, who replaces Ullrich Rohde (Adobe), who did not stand for re-election. Michael Koch (Blackbit), Susanne Ullrich (Brandwatch), Manuela Weber (Valuescope) and Ulf-Jost Kossol (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions) were elected as deputies.
The BVDW social media focus group has set itself the task of actively shaping social and economic change through social networks and demonstrating the potential of social media to companies. According to the new chairman, the change in mobile media use in particular brings with it both challenges and great opportunities. "Social media has democratised the advertising industry and opened up another gateway to the digital world for SMEs. In the social media focus group, we want to develop new solutions that will ensure greater self-confidence in the industry, media and SMEs when dealing with the platforms and emphasise the value for people and companies and make it quantifiable," says Stefan Stojanow.
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