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Why the Blackbit Visual Page Builder for Pimcore Is Essential for Smaller Businesses

Blackbit Visual Page Builder is revolutionizing the way small businesses and customers can design and manage their websites.

Blackbit Visual Page BuilderThe Challenges Smaller Businesses Face When Creating a Website

Creating a corporate and image website is a demanding process that presents many challenges, especially for smaller businesses. These companies often have clear visual ideas of what their website should look like, based on impressions of competitors and market players. However, there is often a lack of understanding that the design should support the existing content and invite interaction.

Without a well thought-out concept, a pleasing design can emerge that follows current trends but neither converts nor leaves a lasting impression. This often results in an arbitrary website that fails to achieve its goals.

The Value of Content and Design: A Harmonious Relationship

Content is king. An appealing design should support the content, not distract from it. However, many small business owners struggle to separate content and form because they perceive text, image and design as one. As a result, they often develop visual ideas but struggle to translate them into a coherent web presence.

A harmonious relationship between content and design is essential to retain users and motivate them to interact. A good design facilitates the reception of content and ensures that the website not only looks good, but is also functional.

Why Traditional Website Concepts Often Fail

Traditional website concepts require a variety of steps that are often overwhelming for smaller companies. These include the definition of business goals, a market analysis, a strengths and weaknesses analysis, the (re)positioning of the company and the development of a strategy for the ideal positioning.

A design concept can only be created after these steps have been completed. However, this comprehensive approach overwhelms many small business owners who have an intuitive idea of how their website should look and be structured, but find it difficult to implement this without professional help.

Visual Page Builder for Pimcore

How Page Builders Make Website Creation Easier

For people who are not used to separating content and design, page builders offer an ideal solution. These tools make it possible to construct pages based on standard elements and fill them with content. Conception, text and design can be carried out in one step and adapted until the result is to your liking.

The success of common page builders lies primarily in the appealing design and effects of the templates offered. Behind the scenes, they reduce the entire conception and design process to a minimum and save inexperienced users from having to write extensive briefings.

The Blackbit Visual Page Builder: A Game Changer for Pimcore

The Blackbit Visual Page Builder for Pimcore addresses precisely these challenges by making it possible to bring content and structure to a Pimcore website without any initial work. This makes it easier for smaller companies to create an appealing website quickly and efficiently.

The Page Builder also offers the agency the opportunity to create customer-specific modules and optimize the design via a theme. The result is a tailor-made website that optimally meets both the visual and content requirements of the customer.

If you would like to test the Visual Page Builder for Pimcore, please sign up for our newsletter. We will inform you as soon as version 1.0 is available for testing on a demo installation.

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