The new year brings important changes in the law for many online retailers.
In its e-magazine "Onlinehändler News", Händlerbund Mangement AG (Händlerbund) provides a clear summary of the fundamental changes.
Read about the new Value Added Tax Act for operators of electronic marketplaces, which comes into force on January 1, 2019, and the new Packaging Act, which applies to all online retailers whose deliveries begin or end in Germany. And you will find answers to the questions of what has become of the ePrivacy Regulation or how warningable DSGVO violations are.
We are happy to point out the main changes to you, because there is still uncertainty and ignorance about the new regulations in some cases, which often mean an increased risk of warning letters. Although some of them were already launched in 2018, they will only have an impact on online retailers this year!
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