High-percentage information with a touch of entertainment
The product photos shine in the best light, the design is in its final form and the shop can go online - only one thing is missing: the product description. It is often difficult to produce texts that not only state the obvious, but also provide information and added value. What needs to be said? What is too much? What a shop operator considers irrelevant and self-evident may be the decisive selling point for the customer. A good product description is like a whisky tasting: a real treat.
Selected ingredients in the production process
Text is the language of the searching internet community and the means to find a website. To ensure that the interested audience does not flee at the sight of the text, certain formalities should be observed when designing the text.
First things first: As with a whisky tasting, the first drop reveals the essence of the distillate and whets the appetite for more. The first sentence is a promise, the rest of the text is the proof.
- Headings and subheadings: Clarity is of great importance, just like in a good menu or drinks list. It is clear what you are getting into from the very first skim.
- Paragraphs: Endlessly long continuous text without interruptions is like a sommelier's monologue that no guest wants to listen to. This is why pauses are also very important for product descriptions in online shops. It is not only important for comprehension, but also for readability to divide the text into meaningful sections.
- Conventions: No distractions, maintaining the usual reading direction and an easily legible font are the requirements for a good product description within a web shop. A sans serif web font in a dark colour on a light background is the first choice.
Birkenhof distillery online shop: Tasteful product descriptions meet convincing web design - A co-operation between Blackbit and 37Punkt.
Myth and truth: Legendary product descriptions
How is a product remembered? Descriptions create emotionally charged images and form a story that brings to light not only the obvious but also the hidden sides of a product. How is a customer supposed to know the benefits of a product if they are not presented to them? A whisky tasting is also rich in anecdotes, spinning a myth around the noble drop that turns the evening of enjoyment into a highlight. A basis of humour and charm, spiced with exciting moments of surprise, awakens unforgettable emotions. The text always follows a core message and presents the uniqueness of the product in a plausible and credible way. With empathy and a feel for the needs of the target group, what they are looking for is delivered on a golden platter: the rational and emotional added value of the product and, on top of that, the solution to all their problems.
Webshop design: an explosion of flavour for all the senses
Passion and lifeblood flow into every line of text. Design and text must be perfectly harmonised in order to meet the technical developments and expectations of the target group. In our checklist, we reveal how successful webshop design can be realised and what needs to be taken into account.
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