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Server-Side Tracking: Your Database for Successful Online Marketing

Which of your web content is viewed most frequently? Which online ads lead to sales? Where in the purchasing process do site visitors drop out?

 Upgrade your Marketing with precise Data insight

Precise tracking is essential for website operators to be able to evaluate web success and make data-based decisions in online marketing. However, in addition to the GDPR regulations, another phenomenon is leading to an increasing deterioration of the database: third-party cookies are being blocked by more and more authorities.

Read our blog post to find out how to recognize inadequate web tracking and how to ensure the highest data quality with server-side tracking!

Phasing Out 3rd Party Cookies (Client-Side Tracking)

Until now, it was common practice to record user behavior via JavaScript codes (third-party cookies, pixels), which are stored in the user's Internet browser and forward the usage data to third-party providers (Google, Facebook, etc.). However, this tracking method is no longer up to date and is increasingly leading to problems.

Problems with client-side tracking:

  • Ad blockers and Apple already prevent third-party tracking

  • Common browsers (Firefox, Safari and Edge) have limited the cookie runtime to 7 days or sometimes even just 24 hours

  • Google has announced that it will also block cookie tracking in future

  • Browser cookies slow down the loading times of websites

As a result, you only collect a fraction of the usage data and can no longer accurately evaluate and target your Google, social media and newsletter campaigns. Slow loading times also have a negative impact on the user experience and the search engine ranking of your website.

Typical Signs That Your Web Tracking Is No Longer Working Well:

  • Almost only new site visitors:inside: Your tracking tools (v)recognize almost all website visitors as new users

  • Problems with attribution: The sources and customer journey of your website visitors can no longer be accurately tracked. "Direct traffic" and unknown traffic sources are increasing and conversions cannot be attributed to the correct marketing channels

  • High data discrepancies: Data from different sources (e.g. Google Analytics vs. advertising platforms) differ greatly.

  • Falling conversion rates: Your campaigns based on poor data no longer reach the right people and achieve less success.

The Solution: Modern Tracking Is Server-Side

Server-side tracking or server-side tagging transmits the usage data (first-party data) to your own server that hosts your website or online store and then forwards the collected data to the analytics instances (Google Analytics, social media advertising accounts, etc.). Unlike conventional client-side tracking, server-side tracking collects data without direct interaction with the end user's browser. This methodological difference makes server-side tracking less sensitive to the ever-increasing restrictions imposed by ad blockers and tracking prevention. The resulting improved data quality allows you to develop and effectively implement well-founded marketing strategies. Another advantage of this tracking method: the page speed of your websites increases as fewer data requests have to be processed by the browser.

What Data Can Be Collected via Server-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking enables the collection of a wide range of personal data that is crucial for meaningful analyses and successful marketing campaigns. The most important types of data include

  • IP addresses and geographic location data

  • Interactions such as the number of page views

  • the time spent on certain pages

  • Conversion data such as completed purchases or form submissions

  • Device and browser versions, timestamps and referrer URLs (sources of website users)

  • Social interactions and click paths

For Which Services Is Server-Side Tracking Already Available?

Server-side tracking is already available for a variety of services - especially for large platforms and popular applications. Google Analytics 4, for example, offers comprehensive support for server-side tracking, allowing you to reduce your previous reliance on third-party cookies and obtain more accurate user data.

The following applications allow server-side tracking:

  • Store systems: BigCommerce

  • Marketing suites: HubSpot

  • Ad platforms: Google Ads, Microsoft Ads

  • Social media platforms: Meta, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, X (formerly Twitter), Reddit

  • Newsletter platforms: Mailchimp, Klaviyo

  • Affiliate platforms: Awin, Beboon

  • Native advertising: Taboola, Outbrain

It is to be expected that in the near future even more service providers will integrate corresponding server-side tracking solutions in order to counter the increasing pressure from data protection regulations and browser restrictions. Your solution is not yet included? Talk to us!

What Does Server-Side Tracking Cost?

The cost of server-side tracking depends on various factors - for example, the size of your website or online store, the complexity of the implementation and the type of tracking platforms used. While you can use some tools such as Google Analytics 4 for free, additional services and advanced features may be subject to a fee. In addition, GDPR-compliant implementation must be ensured.

Even if you have to expect certain initial costs: The investment is worth it in the long term. Because server-side tracking provides you with the best possible database and allows you to use your marketing budget more efficiently, enabling you to achieve a significant return on investment (ROI).

When Should I Switch to Server-Side Tracking?

The sooner you switch to server-side tracking, the sooner you will improve the data quality in your analysis and advertising tools. So don't wait until third-party cookies are completely abolished, but prepare your tracking for the future now!

Server-side tracking is not yet available for all applications. Nevertheless, it is worth setting up the existing tags on the server side in order to achieve the best data quality according to the current state of the art. Different tracking methods can therefore be combined by using a container to implement the available tracking on the server side, while other tracking continues to run on the client side.

Convert Now to Avoid Wasting Marketing Budgets

Take the opportunity to set yourself apart from the competition with server-side tracking and take full advantage of the opportunities to optimize your campaigns.

We would be happy to support you with the implementation of server-side tracking. Together with you, we will check which implementations make sense for your individual requirements and implement them in compliance with the GDPR.

Contact us now to arrange a personal consultation and make your company technologically future-proof.

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