Our time is fast-moving, our world networked and our possibilities almost endless. The great constants in life are becoming rare. But that's what makes them so valuable. That's why we at Blackbit are really happy that some of our team members have been with us for over a decade. Today we introduce you to the next face in our series of topics: our full-blooded copywriter Anett!
Hi Anett, it's great that you're joining our little series #loyaltothecore. Shall we get started straight away?
An interview setting like this is a bit unusual, but sure, let's get started!
All right, then: Tell us something about yourself! What's your name, how did you come to Blackbit and when did you start?
Hi, my name is Anett and I arrived by train at Göttingen station in October 2012 and walked the last bit to my job interview at Blackbit - almost directly, because I wanted to make a little diversions to visit a geocache first. About a week later I started working at Blackbit. By the way, a tip for all those interested in the future and those starting their careers: I cannot recommend spontaneously looking for a flat in Göttingen shortly after the semester starts. The housing market situation has not improved since 2012 😉 .
In which position did you start? What training or special skills did you bring with you and what technology was current at the time?
I started at Blackbit as a copywriter in the online marketing department. Before that, I had studied media communication at the TU Chemnitz in my Bachelor's and Master's degrees and worked part-time at the university's press office as an editor. In addition, I was involved in the TU Chemnitz language advisory project and also did a bit of press work for an independent comic publisher founded by friends. However, I have been writing in my spare time since my primary school days. At that time, mainly short stories and poems. When I found some of my old texts again later, I was surprised at my creativity - also when it came to spelling 😉 .
What technology was current in my early days at Blackbit? That was a moment ago, but I remember that in the beginning I was intensively involved in the shop system xt:Commerce, because in my early days I wrote many manuals and advertising texts about xt:Commerce plugins developed by Blackbit. I also had my fun with Ikebana, into which I was occasionally allowed to enter data. Ikebana was a content community commerce manager developed by Blackbit that was ahead of its time and with which you could build websites very flexibly. In terms of user-friendliness, however, I prefer the backends of the systems used today!
Exciting, then you dived straight into the world of shop and content management systems. What was your first impression of Blackbit otherwise?
Before applying to Blackbit, I had a few other job interviews where I was sometimes very nervous or had the feeling of leaving the room ten centimetres shorter after being cross-examined by the HR manager. That was not the case at Blackbit at all! I received a friendly welcome, the get-to-know-you conversation was quite relaxed and I had the opportunity to meet a few character heads in the kitchen afterwards. I liked the fact that such different personalities work together harmoniously here and that everyone is accepted just as they are.
Has working in an agency always been your dream job? If so, what made you choose this path?
In my friendship book from grade 5, the career aspiration is "poet or story writer". I didn't know what a digital commerce agency was at that age. But if I had known then that you can publish texts not only in books and newspapers, I would certainly have expanded my career wish. 😊
We are of course delighted that you are able to let off steam as a scribbler at Blackbit. What have been the biggest changes for Blackbit, the industry and therefore for you?
A lot has changed in the last ten years. When I started at Blackbit, there were still two companies: Blackbit new media and Blackbit new advertising. These companies have now merged. Blackbit now specialises strongly in digital commerce and digital marketing and has grown nationally (with offices in Berlin and Hamburg) and internationally (with an office in Kiev). For me in the text area, this means that I now write something in English more often, regularly familiarise myself with new software and, of course, keep my marketing knowledge up to date.
What made Blackbit attractive back then and what is special about our company for you today?
What I found attractive back then were the varied tasks, the flat hierarchies and the opportunity to enter the profession directly as a youngster from university. Today, I see the family atmosphere and the team cohesion - even in difficult times - as special. In addition, everyone here has the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and help shape the company.
What opportunities did and do you have to develop yourself? How would you describe your personal development?
I have learned a lot at Blackbit! Not only in the field of copywriting and online marketing, but also personally. As a rather introverted person, it often takes me a while to open up to other people, and according to my nature, I work quite well and happily alone. At Blackbit, however, I quickly discovered how much fun teamwork can be. I really appreciate the professional exchange with my colleagues and am happy when I can help others with my knowledge and experience.
Time to put your work in the spotlight, dear Anett: What was your greatest professional success? Which project do you remember most?
Hm, I'm generally not the kind of person who likes to put himself and his work in the spotlight. I like to write and am happy when my texts are well received or help our customers. And behind successful projects there is always a good team, rarely an individual. That's why I find this question difficult to answer.
It's all good! It is precisely these honest and authentic answers that we value so much here. After so many years - can you tell us one or two tips that you have found groundbreaking/valuable/helpful over the years? You've already mentioned some, but apart from the Göttingen housing market situation - what else is there?
Communication is important and documentation is helpful. If you are unsure, it is better to ask once too often than once too little - no matter how busy all the other colleagues seem to be. Even in stressful situations, very few people are bitey. 😉
Together we can overcome any challenge! In conclusion: What was your best Blackbit moment?
Phew, there were so many beautiful moments. In my early days at Blackbit, there was a Christmas bakery photo shoot, which I thought was very cool and special.
All the Blackbit company outings like the Segway tour around Seeburg Lake, hiking in the Harz Mountains and indoor camping in Berlin were great experiences that brought us even closer together. The very fact that the Blackbits enjoy spending time together away from the desk shows that the chemistry in the team is right.
Thank you for your time - now as well as in the past years. 😀
Thanks for the nice chat! You'll find me back at my desk 😉
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