The largest cross-sector networker in the north, Hamburg@work | Digitalcluster.Hamburg, offers a platform where entrepreneurs, players and opinion leaders can exchange ideas on the topic of digitalisation. The aim is to think outside the box and address experiences, objectives and problems. To realise this online as well as onsite, Hamburg@work offers its members the booking of various events. And this ticketing has undergone a transformation - naturally to offer members a more pleasant user experience.
Old but Gold? - Not always!
Until now, members of Hamburg@work have always been able to book tickets for the events on offervia Eventbrite.However, ticketing via this international service provider could only be partially adapted to the specific requirements of the cluster organisation: on the one hand, Eventbrite demands a fee for the commissioning of events - either directly from the organiser or from the participants. On the other hand, a security aspect spoke in favour of changing the booking procedure: Eventbrite's ticket codes could not be generated automatically and were not always clearly stored with membership privileges, so that unauthorised external persons could possibly book into events. So we set up our own ticket booking management system for Hamburg@work on their web platform.
Since 18.12.19, members have been able to log in to the Hamburg@work online platform with their access data and conveniently make event bookings via their profile. All member privileges are now stored in the user profile. Bookings for several guests, such as external escorts, are also conveniently possible. The tickets are provided to the members by email and in the format of a QR code. When visiting the event, this code serves as an admission ticket. By scanning the code, the organiser can finally check which participants are already present and which have not yet checked in.
The login area of the platform offers further added value: in the member directory, all members of Hamburg@work can be searched for whom one has met at the events and with whom one has exchanged ideas, so that one can stay in contact beyond the events. And in order to receive messages from these members at any time, not only via the platform, messages are forwarded directly to your own e-mail address.
With their own administration system, Hamburg@work members therefore have an even more convenient way of booking tickets, staying in touch with other members beyond the events and being informed about new events at any time. For Hamburg@work itself, Pimcore remains the uncomplicated PIM system for managing its data landscape, including the membership contract data and event information transferred from SEWOBE Vereinsmanager.
In future, it will also be possible for logged-in members to view other checked-in participants in the event they have booked. This way, event visitors can exchange information before the event and look forward to the upcoming event together.
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