Rational relevance and emotional added value
For online retailers, there is no doubt that only high-quality products are in stock and unique services are in the shop's repertoire. However, what is obvious to entrepreneurs must also be communicated to the target group. Many similar offers on the market make the USP disappear. Information in the online shop and a flawless product are taken for granted.
For this reason, brands need to communicate emotional added value in order to stand out from the crowd. This is where strategic storytelling comes into play as a marketing tool:
Strategic storytelling ...
... is long-term and sustainable.
... arouses the interest of customers and generates emotions.
... enables the (re)positioning of a brand.
... supports the company's objectives and has a positive effect on the brand image.
... is orientated towards the interests, wishes and problems of the target group.
... is authentic.
To be remembered for a long time
People love stories that are not about facts, figures or products, but about people themselves. That's why they help people identify with the brand. They provide inspiration and courage and motivate people to take action. Good stories are not only entertaining, but also meaningful. As a result, they stay in people's minds, are willingly retold and shared via social media, for example.
The big challenge now is how to tell emotional stories.
- Corporate story: Themes are defined from an overarching story, from which small individual stories are created that are used in internal and external communication as well as in press and public relations work.
- Visual leitmotif: The messages are conveyed using metaphors and figurative language that follow a visual leitmotif.
- Content marketing: In addition to the online shop, a blog and social media channels help to emphasise products with stories. Product texts, appealing product photography and imagery help to emotionalise the brand and create an unforgettable shopping experience.
- Multimedia use: The essence of the story must remain narratable across different media and is prepared according to the chosen platform.
- Formulate visions: Any kind of communication should not dwell on the past, but focus on goals and visions.
- Create excitement: Innovative ideas bring a breath of fresh air so that customers are not bored, but are positively surprised and recognise themselves in the stories.
Storytelling is about showing courage and turning people into heroes with their stories. If you view the brand as a human-like being, strategic storytelling is like an attitude to life. Positive experiences and memories make a brand unforgettable for people. Stories make the brand approachable and tangible. Let's make sure it becomes immortal.
Design of the web shop
In order to retain website visitors or customers in the long term, familiar preferences must not be ignored. One usability orgasm after another, but the user doesn't feel at ease? To prevent this, the wheel does not have to be completely reinvented. There are certain conventions such as reading direction, page layout and familiar icons that users are familiar with because they have "grown up" with them. The floppy disc as a symbol for saving, for example, is common and is still used, even though it is long outdated. Rather than being a simple accessory, graphics support or explain the function and follow the aim of the website.
Long-term relationship
In order for the stories to take shape, a visual leitmotif is needed that is reflected wherever communication takes place. No more boring facts and interchangeable product information in online shops. In our checklist you will find all the useful tips for successful webshop design.
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